Central Alberta Live Your Dream Awards

The Cause

Our idea is to obtain funding to grant additional Live Your Dream awards to more women in Central Alberta. Soroptimist International of Central Alberta is part of a global organization that provides women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment. We are celebrating our 35th anniversary this year as a club in Central Alberta.

Live Your Dream Awards give women the chance to make a better life for themselves and their families through increased access to education and better career opportunities - a chance they have not previously had, or may never otherwise have.
Our club will grant these awards to a woman who has primary financial responsibility for herself and her dependents, is enrolled or attending an undergraduate degree program or skills training program and shows a financial need. This cash award enables women to offset any costs associated with their education such as books, tuition, childcare, transportation, etc.
Over half of Soroptimist's Live Your Dream recipients worldwide are survivors of domestic violence, trafficking or sexual assault. Nearly all of the women and families have overcome enormous obstacles.
86% of previous recipients completed their education and improved their standard of living. 74% of recipients secured higher paying employment. 93% of recipients report their award has increased their self esteem.
We invest in women's education because it transforms lives and communities. Funding support will enable our club to grant more cash awards to women in the Central Alberta community.

Who Will it Benefit?

$4000.00 funding will allow us to grant 4 more awards of $1000.00 each or depending upon the applications received, the amount granted may become higher to each woman.
When women are educated, their families live healthier lives. When women are educated, their countries are more likely to have greater economic growth. When girls have an educated mom, they are more likely to be enrolled in school and to reach higher levels of education. When girls go to school, they are more likely to get paying jobs and their financial contributions to their families and their nations increase.
Educated woman and girls are less vulnerable to sex traffickers, less likely to live in poverty, able to access healthcare, and able to raise stronger and healthier families.