Field Law is pleased to announce the Award winners of the 2015 Field Law Community Fund Program. See below to find out which Ideas were selected to receive funding in 2015. Congratulations to all.

Dare to Dream
Dare to Dream is a justice education and outreach program for First Nation, Métis, and Inuit youth aged 11 to 14. The program was created by Canadian Lawyers Abroad (CLA), a non-profit charity that aims to use law to improve...
Between Friends Developing Volunteer Skills in Persons with Disabilities (Volunteer-in-training)
Between Friends envisions a community where people with disabilities reach their individual potential and are recognized as valued citizens. The Between Friends Volunteer in Training (VIT) program was developed for participants of Between Friends or members of the public who...
Girl Power Summer Camp
The Women's Centre plans to offer Girl Power Camps this summer to mentor girls (ages 10-12) and promote basic values of equality, self-determination and empowerment. Since the majority of the women and children we serve are living in poverty, we...

Camp Connections Cookhouse Renovation!
Camp Connections is an on the land based adventure camp for children ages 7-18 who have been involved with Social Services in the NWT. Currently Camp Connections is fundraising to rebuild our cookhouse. The cookhouse is the central gathering place...

Disaster Preparedness
During the 2013 floods AARCS stepped up to help those affected by the devastating floods in Southern Alberta. We saved hundreds of animals from certain death and were recognized both by the Province of Alberta and the Town of High...
Healthier Families – Healthier Living
Ronald McDonald House Charities® Southern Alberta is looking to implement the Healthier Families – Healthier Lives Program which will focus on providing coping mechanisms for parents with sick children. A personal trainer will visit the house biweekly to conduct boot...

You Can Ride 2: Adapted Bicycle Loan Pool Database
“You Can Ride 2 (YCR2): Borrow-a-bike” is an adapted bicycle loan pool which provides bikes on loan to children whose special needs make it challenging for them to ride a 2-wheel bicycle. This free service empowers children with the freedom...

Young Leaders’ Summit on Northern Climate Change: Where the rubber and the passion hits the road!
Ecology North, Pembina Institute, and Dene Nation are partnering to plan a third Young Leaders’ Summit on Northern Climate Change to be held in August 2015, following successful summits in Inuvik and Yellowknife in 2009 and 2011. This time we...

The Art of Healing for Cancer Survivors and Caregivers
The cancer journey brings many emotional, physical and practical challenges. While in Edmonton for cancer treatment, some NWT cancer survivors have experienced the benefits of cancer psychosocial support programs. However, such programs do not exist in the NWT. The NWT...

Y Mentors!
The YWCA Yellowknife wants to continue a free leadership and empowerment group mentoring program for girls, which is called Y Mentors. Y Mentors creates mentoring groups with an adult woman, two-four girls who are 11-13 years old, and one girl...

Eating disorders (ED) have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness, and yet they are surrounded by misconceptions, misinformation, shame and stigma. ED-ucate would help to change that. This one-day symposium in Edmonton, held in February 2016 as part...
Mahatma Gandhi Canadian Foundation for World Peace Youth Conferences
For several years, the Foundation has organized a conference for high school students in the Edmonton area on Gandhian principles aimed at building peaceful communities, conflict resolution, diversity, and equality. We want to do similar work with junior high school...
Linking Generations Inter-Generational Programs
Linking Generations was established in 2004 as an intergenerational program that encourages “bridging the gap” between seniors and youth. We are registered as a Non-Profit Society with the Government of Alberta and as Registered Charity with the Government of Canada....

Inclusive Play in Parkland County
There is a need for inclusive playground equipment in the community of Parkland County. We would like to have 4 accessible swings installed at 4 community parks. There is currently none in rural Parkland County. Equal access in all areas...

Keep the Society of St. Vincent de Paul for the Alleviation of Poverty (Edmonton Central Council) on the road
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul for the Alleviation of Poverty (Edmonton Particular Council) is a social justice organization that has been serving the disadvantaged in the Capital Region of Alberta since 2000. We are part of a worldwide movement...

As part of our 2015/16 season, Calgary Young People’s Theatre is announcing our commitment to providing Calgary youths the opportunity to get involved in theatre creation not just on stage but also at the ground level. We call this brand...