Headshots + Training for Disabled & Neurodiverse Talent

All disability, body, and neurodiversity are beautiful. But fair, accurate, and professional representation of it is lacking… and we NEED to change that!

Thanks to the contribution of Field Law, we have been better able to give disability and diversity a seat at the table in several meaningful ways in an attempt to amplify one resounding message: REPRESENTATION MATTERS! It matters because representation leads to normalization, and normalization changes everything: access, awareness, and acceptance. We need more of all of it. It matters because when a person sees themselves represented fully and fairly in their world, they know they matter; they know they are worthwhile; they know they are beautiful, and they know, for certain, that they are not alone.

Because of the generosity of the Field Law Community Fund Program, Kello Inclusive has been better able to increase the professional representation of disability in media – HOORAY! Firstly, we supported nine of our newly signed Edmonton talent in getting professional headshots taken with a local Edmonton photographer. Secondly, we were able to provide access to in-person mentorship and training from a professionally trained actor, who we flew in to run a full-day workshop for our roster on the basics of auditioning and self-taping, as well as facilitating two afternoons of virtual training for those who couldn’t attend in-person. Kello is also planning an inclusive athletic event in Edmonton this July to help spread awareness about the importance of accessibility, inclusion, and authentic representation.

As a direct result of these initiatives, we have impacted the lives of Kello’s roster of disabled talent, but more importantly, the lives of all disabled Canadians who deserve to see themselves represented in the world.

These endeavours are all ways we have started to break down some of the systemic barriers to entry that people with disabilities face when entering the media and entertainment industry. If 25% of all Canadians are disabled but less than 1% are represented in media, it is clear that we have a LONG way to go… so, another HUGE THANK YOU to FIELD LAW for helping us move this needle in the right direction!!