Expanding Our Reach

The Cause

Comrie\'s Sports Equipment Bank\'s mission is to gather, recycle and redistribute used sports equipment at no cost to those kids would otherwise be denied the opportunity to participate. Comrie\'s helps low income families in need provide opportunities for their kids to be able to pursue their dreams in sport as well as developing healthy and active lifestyles. Comrie\'s helps kids and families access used sports equipment at no cost where a need exists in Southern Alberta. To date, Comrie\'s has mainly helped kids living in Calgary, we would like to expand our reach to the rest of Southern Alberta, particularly Medicine Hat and Lethbridge. The money will be used to offset travel expenses, additional printing and marketing supplies, and remote outfitting location expenses in Lethbridge and Medicine Hat (e.g. shelving).

Who Will it Benefit?

Many people will benefit from this idea. Most importantly, the kids getting the free sports equipment will be able to participate in sports that they otherwise would not have been able to. Second, the parents/guardians of the kids will benefit from being able to provide the opportunity to their kids to be involved in sports that they otherwise would not have been able to do. Third, the greater community benefits in many ways, including keeping kids out of trouble and teaching them value life skills, such as being a part of a community; the pay it forward aspect of this idea, in this way, is huge.