Abbott Care Closet
Our idea is to establish a Care Closet at Abbott School, a vital resource aimed at supporting our students who face economic challenges. In our low-income neighborhood, many families struggle to meet basic needs, which can negatively impact students’ well-being,...

Project UpSkill – Enactus SAIT
Project UpSkill is an established initiative that empowers individuals in addiction recovery by providing essential financial literacy education. Recognizing that many people in recovery face significant financial challenges, such as debts, unfiled taxes, and limited financial management skills, the program...

KCTC Revitalization & Expansion
The Kimberlite Career & Technical Centre opened 20 years ago and at the time, was an exciting and state of the art facility intended to open the door to careers in the trades for Yellowknife high school students. We are...
Help Give Edmonton That Warm Feeling
Many people refer to Edmonton as a ‘winter city’. For most residents of the Capital Region, this means a shift in outdoor activities, anticipation of holidays and the start of the hockey and ski seasons. But for our less fortunate...

Helping Neighbors
At Old Strathcona Youth Society, we are a low-barrier street-level organization that offers resources, referrals, and recreation to unhoused youth aged 14-24 in the Old Strathcona area of Edmonton, including hundreds of Indigenous youths. We do this by taking a...

NWT Wellness Map & Indigenous Wellness Programs
In the Northwest Territories, we are experiencing a severe mental health and addictions crisis. This project aims to help bridge gaps within the current healthcare systems, where community members may not have access to culturally safe and quality mental health...

Legal Literacy Education
The Legal Literacy Education project proposed by The Immigrant Education Society (TIES) aims to help enhance the legal knowledge of newcomers, immigrants, and refugees in Southern Alberta, which will lead to better understanding of their rights and responsibilities. To achieve...

Pay It Forward for the Planet
Pay it Forward for the Planet is a community-focused program that connects youth to conservation while allowing them to participate in a field trip. Alberta's education budget is the lowest in Canada, and has been so over multiple years. Increasing...

Gymnastics for All – Health and Inclusion Program
The Yellowknife Gymnastics Club (YKGC) is proud to introduce the Gymnastics for All – Health and Inclusion Program, an initiative that aligns with our mission to provide safe, inclusive, and development-focused gymnastics programs for children of all ages and abilities...

Autism Identification Cards/Lanyards/Pins (Hidden Disability Cards)
We would like to continue and expand our grassroots project called Autism Identification (ID) Cards, we have invented Canada's first ever Autism ID cards and would like to continue creating the cards and expanding the project. For example, we would...

Blue Devils Athletics: Sport Without Barriers
Here at Eastglen High School, we are ranked the highest on the social vulnerability index for all "brick and mortar" high schools in Edmonton Public. This vulnerability index means our students lead much more complex lives and encounter significantly more...

PALS Trading Cards
The Pet Access League Society (PALS) is a non-profit organization providing regular pet therapy visits to senior citizens, children, teenagers and adults at over 55 facilities in Calgary including hospitals, emergency and domestic violence shelters, libraries, hospices, schools and the...

Veterinary Care for Albertans Facing Financial Hardship
Tails of Help sees a future where essential health care for companion animals is accessible to all. Our program facilitates access to essential veterinary care for Albertans facing financial hardship. We preserve the human-animal bond by keeping pets healthy and...

Chef with Community Collaboration
Chef with Community NSTEP is collaborating with Greater Forest Lawn Community Association and their Youth Employability Skills (YES) program, Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth, Sunalta and other community agencies to build employability, leadership, and time management skills. Chef on NSTEP...

Bike All Winter
The Bike All Winter program aims to increase the number and visibility of people using bikes for transportation during the winter months. The program targets Bow Valley residents that are not using bikes for transportation year round but would like...

Peer Support Events for Autism Families
Many parents/caregivers of Autistic children in the Yellowknife area struggle to find safe and understanding spaces to come together for peer support and social opportunities for our children. Small businesses are supportive where possible, but are unable to reduce capacity...

LaZerte’s Level the Field Initiative
Our idea is to level the playing field when it comes to involvement in high school sports at our school. High school athletics provide an invaluable opportunity for youth to develop essential life skills such as teamwork, discipline, resilience, and...

Take Back the Reins
Take Back the Reins Workshop: This workshop is intended for individuals who have left an abusive relationship and are in a place where they are moving forward in their lives and rediscovering who they are. Our intention is to provide...

Westmount Community Garden
We have two garden plots at our school where we have worked over the last three years to plant pollinator friendly plants and plants indigenous to Alberta. One of the beds is established and the second one was planted last...

Community Pet Wellness Clinic
At AARCS we are dedicated to not only helping homeless pets, but also addressing the reasons why they end up in our care. Whenever possible, keeping pets in their homes and preventing animals from coming into the shelter. We know...
Harmonia Sharing Music
Harmonia is a group of seven string and wind players who wish to perform for the public to increase their ability to see live performances. Concert locations may include venues such as seniors’ residences and hospitals, parks, community centres and...

Meals Program for Calgary’s Most Vulnerable
Looking for financial support to the Calgary Drop-In Centre's Meals Program. The DI serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner to 1,500+ Calgarians accessing our services every day, including bagged lunches for clients who may be at work or out of the...

Little Warriors Animal Assisted Therapy
The Animal-Assisted Therapy Program at the Be Brave Ranch by Little Warriors is designed to support the healing journey of children who have experienced sexual abuse. This trauma-informed program integrates therapy animals, including dogs and small animals, into the therapeutic...