Field Law is pleased to announce the Award winners of the 2016 Field Law Community Fund Program. See below to find out which Ideas were selected to receive funding in 2016. Congratulations to all.

SOUND OFF: A Deaf Theatre Festival
SOUND OFF will be the first Deaf Theatre Festival in Canadian history. Both the UK and the USA have several theatre companies dedicated to Deaf artists and audiences. Canada has none. The primary aim of SOUND OFF is to increase...

Literacy and Homework Programs – Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton (BGCBigs)
We are proposing funding be used specifically to enhance literacy and homework programs, which happens across all nine of our clubs for all children and youth who attend. Via this existing programming, we’re targeting newcomer, immigrant and Aboriginal children and...

Spruce Grove Public Library Presents: Bibliotherapy Wellness Backpacks
As a result of increasing accessibility and removing barriers to our programs and services, SGPL has partnered with many organizations in our community to better serve our residents. Based on the success of our Literacy Backpacks, one partnership project we...

Put a Kid to Bed
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Edmonton Central Council is a social justice organization that has been serving the disadvantaged in the Capital Region of Alberta since 2000. We are part of a worldwide movement that currently operates in...

Bissell Centre Community Food Initiative
Food security has been identified as a global challenge in countless studies and reports, and Edmonton is no different. There are thousands of people in the Edmonton area who are unable to afford or access healthy, nutritious, and culturally appropriate...