Field Law is pleased to announce the Award winners of the 2020 Field Law Community Fund Program. See below to find out which Ideas were selected to receive funding in 2020. Congratulations to all.

Good Food 2 Go
Jasper Place Wellness Centre (JPWC) and its Food4Good division are piloting the “Good Food 2 Go” program, which will provide access to healthy, affordable food while developing food skills and engaging people in meaningful activity at home. This program will...

Connecting Seniors through Technology
Linking Generations is thought of as the organization where kind souls meet. LG created programs to address the essential needs of community connectedness and social isolation. The benefits of Intergenerational programming are huge for all involved. The youth are learning...

NSTEP and Black Girls Corner: Empowered for Better Wellbeing
NSTEP is a registered charity, bringing its programs to where children youth live, learn and play. Chef on NSTEP is our food literacy initiative, teaching basic food preparation skills, along with why we are preparing and eating these foods, and...