Field Law is pleased to announce the Award winners of the 2021 Field Law Community Fund Program. See below to find out which Ideas were selected to receive funding in 2021. Congratulations to all.

Paws Please Pet Visiting Program
The new Gene Zwozdesky Centre at Norwood will be home to one of the most innovative and leading-edge facilities providing integrated care for seniors in Edmonton and area. The centre provides a home to many seniors while additional medical programs...

SkirtsAfire Festival – “Ayita” Leadership Workshops
SkirtsAfire Festival is Edmonton’s only theatre and multidisciplinary arts festival solely featuring the work of women and non-binary artists. We present powerful and insightful stories to a diverse audience that is hungry to be moved by passionate performances and exhibitions....

Help Keep Tummies Full All Weekend Long
Our Idea is to provide 2160 days of food for hungry children. We will give bags of food ("Weekenders") for at risk children in inner city elementary schools to take home on the weekends. One of the saddest realities of...