Westglen Elementary School Playspace Redevelopment

The Cause

Westglen Elementary School in the heart of the Westmount Community is experiencing huge population growth with an influx of young families to the area! The number of kids enrolled at the school has nearly doubled in the past 10 years, with more than 325 children and 2 full classes of each grade this year. Children in grades 4-6 (ages 9-12) are not permitted to play in the other playgrounds in the area during recess time, including the Division I playground for Kindergarten to grade 3 just South of the school, they are limited to the tarmac area and the field. These kids need an upgraded basketball tarmac, and playground equipment dedicated to provide opportunities for all kinds of challenging play for this age group. In addition, an outdoor learning space will be developed to allow teachers of all grades to teach outside, and encourage creativity and connection with nature.
This project aims to build a new playground for grades 4-6, and an outdoor learning space for grades K-6.
The Westglen Parent Association (WPA) is raising funds for this project.

A video about the project can be viewed at www.westglenpa.com
Pictures attached to application show existing space and possible new playground

Who Will it Benefit?

During school hours, children in grades 4-6 will directly benefit from the new playground space, with children in grades K-6 benefiting from the outdoor learning space.
Outside of school hours the spaces would remain open to the public, benefiting multiple out of school care and daycare facilities in the community.
The space is located on a bike lane, allowing easy access to all residents of Westmount and the surrounding communities. This innovative playspace would draw children and teenagerS from multiple communities, as there are very few playspaces aimed at ages 9 and up.
The outdoor learning space would provide an outdoor space for many community residents as a peaceful outdoor spot to sit, read, or just enjoy the outdoors.