Little Hippies Yoga for the Boys and Girls Club of Calgary
The Cause
The Little Hippies Foundation is seeking a grant to launch a yoga program for the Boys and Girls Club within their 8 afterschool programs and in their Youth Housing and Shelter programs.
Little Hippies believes that every child should have an opportunity to explore their creativity, express their unique personalities, and discover the expanse of physical movement.
Through the Boys and Girls Club, Little Hippies will provide yoga classes to children between the ages of 6 to 12 years old in Calgary, Alberta.
In addition to offering free yoga instruction, Little Hippies will provide each Boys and Girls Club location with a set of 30 yoga mats so the children can practice on their own at the centre.
Who Will it Benefit?
Yoga provides tools for stress relief and management, and it provides opportunities for students to learn self regulation and mindfulness. The benefits of yoga have many long-term and far reaching benefits such as developing physical strength, flexibility and agility, as well as increasing concentration and focused listening skills.
Yoga is a noncompetitive, inclusive and collective activity which complements all other activities and performance.