Supplies for Success
The Cause
Supplies for Success would be a grassroot project to support families with children and youth impacted by COVID-19. Supplies for Success will provide basic school supplies and winter outerwear to needy students in the area elementary school districts within Rockyview and Airdrie.
Currently, over 1,200 children in school district of Rockyview and Airdrie are considered low-income, with that number is increasing due to the global pandemic as it impacts our economy. Our goal is to help our kids in need start the school year off right by providing each one with a Supplies for Success Kit – a completely assembled school supply kit and backpack.
We believe in the educational achievement and success of each student and believe this will help elevate their self-esteem and allow their families focus on other basic needs without worry and stress of school supplies
Who Will it Benefit?
Think back and remember the excitement of going back-to-school. The pointy new pencils and the crisp, clean pages of a brand-new spiral notebook hold all the promise of a new year.
Maybe you remember getting that new backpack that somehow helped you feel just a bit taller, stand a little straighter? Picking up school supplies, though it marks the end of summer fun, is a ritual that helps build anticipation and confidence.
But for some kids in our community, back-to-school is different. Imagine the stress of knowing that your family cannot afford the things on your new teacher’s supply list. Maybe the backpack you’ve been using has holes that keep getting bigger, and you’re not sure it can make it through another school year. Maybe your gym shoes stopped fitting in the middle of last year.
All our community’s children should feel excited and confident as a new school year approaches. All kids should start off with the items they need to accomplish all their goals.
Supplies for Success gives our community’s at-risk and low-income children, from preschool through high school, the items they need to start the school year off right. We will work with families and with teachers, principals, and social workers in the schools within Rockyview and Airdrie, to determine needs, then provide complete back-to-school kits. Kids who otherwise may not be able to start the school year off with the new pencils, folders and notebooks they need get all of that, and more.
1200 potential children and youth will benefit from this support and bring a community together.