AfroQuiz in Schools

The Cause

The Council of Canadians of African and Caribbean Heritage has been hosting our flagship Jeopardy style game show AfroQuiz for over 30 years and we would now like to bring it into classrooms in various schools across Edmonton. We’d be offering a curriculum surrounding Black history that can be used as an add on to the current Black history curriculum. Conversations surrounding Black history are often difficult for teachers to have if they are not familiar with the Black experience themselves, with most lessons being surface level, such as “this was the first black astronaut” without any historical background explaining the significance. We believe it is important for youth to have an idea of why Black accomplishments should be celebrated and how those before them have made a way for them to also one day be successful. Black children need to bear witness to those within their communities who have done remarkable things amid facing opposition. Too often, Black youth are made to feel disadvantaged by their history, leading to feelings of shame or inadequacy in comparison to their peers from different backgrounds. Providing AfroQuiz in schools will allow Black youth to gain a better understanding of their ancestors, cultures and the influence Black people have had throughout history. We believe that if Black youth are exposed to the achievements of the Black community and not just aspects of a traumatic past, they will grow in their identity and begin to carry a sense of pride regarding their heritage. The AfroQuiz material developed by CCACH, gives youth the opportunity to expand on their study and public speaking skills. Youth are taught and challenged to study material in ways that will help them throughout their elementary, secondary, and eventually post-secondary careers.

Who Will it Benefit?

The program will benefit both students of Black descent and those of other races. In most cases, Black history is taught from a traumatic narrative; students are taught about slavery, and civil rights activists such as Malcolm X and Martin Luther King II. Although important to learn about what Black people have been able to endure and overcome, it is not the entirety of our story. Students will be able to learn about the rich history of Black civilization before colonization, and the continuous innovative contributions of Black people.

Black students will garner a sense of pride as they deviate from strictly learning about the struggles of the Black community to learning about the riches of Timbuktu, the royals in the land of Kush, and the rich culture of the Ashanti in West Africa.
Our perspective of Black history will shift what students other races know about the Black community and its contributions.