Stardale’s New Exploration in the ARTS
The Cause
Stardale addresses the “gap” in services for Indigenous girls through continuing to offer educational and life-skills enhancement, a mentoring program and arts and performance and as well as recreational activities. We are focused upon expanding Stardale’s body of work which includes a multidisciplinary approach to art as a mechanism that conveys the real issues Indigenous females endure. Within the framework of delivery, the intention is to co –create with the Indigenous peoples; embody the truths and then demonstrate to the public with the hopes of breaking stereotypes. This body of works must represent the Indigenous peoples fairly and educate / entertain the populace on real issues.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada - calls upon further funding for youth organizations to deliver programs on reconciliation and to establish a national network to share information and best practises. Our Model has an overarching spectrum that includes various art forms which align with the cultural values of Indigenous peoples. We apply a strength based –positive approach to focus on the positive rather than difficult issues that our vulnerable population of girls endure. The interventions are organic in nature. The theme of Storytelling is a methodology with the underlying premise of bringing back oral culture into the present day survival culture that has been inflicted through the Residential School models. In paying tribute to their heritage the girls will co –create spoken art forms with music and performance pieces that will share story lines to inform the audiences. The story telling designs will include the “Two world view” (Indigenous and non-Indigenous) with the concept of translating the performance productions for a variety of audiences. This genre of cultural diversity is developing at an accelerated rate, and reflects the growing need in our society for communication and reconciliation.
Who Will it Benefit?
The goal of the project is to introduce an educational footprint for Indigenous girls in Calgary and area that incorporates a prevention model of life skills and literacy which builds upon creative outward expression in artistic theatre to address abuse, toxic stress and violence. Stardale targets all Indigenous girls aged 10 -17 and girls who may be at-risk of destructive behaviour and/or whose families are financially vulnerable.
Our focus is on reliable and continuous programming exclusively for Indigenous females promises a more sustainable and adaptable mechanism for their empowerment in our regions. Stardale develops sound strategies for enhancing Indigenous literacy, sharing of experiences, and foundation of vibrant partnerships between community stakeholders. Ineffective parenting skills combined with unhealthy communities have perpetuated violence, addictions, and escalated incarceration rates for Indigenous peoples. Therefore our priorities are to provide preventative programs as well as interventions to the community to address these issues.
Stardale developed and implemented a self-development program using curriculum from the Stardale Model of Literacy and Life Skills, coupled with creative processes to educate the girls in matters of self-esteem, building skill sets in cooperation, and learning how to perform in public setting. We are encouraged by the positive outcomes and enthusiasm from the girls, their families, governments, and the corporate sectors.
Storey telling through multiple art genres is the means to take our ideas and creative processes to other levels to stimulate and socially engage the youth; to address abuse, toxic stress and violence; to facilitate community mobilization. There is increasing knowledge of the benefits of art education. We will build upon our strategies that support and reinforce change.