Kickstand Edmonton -Youth Mental Health

The Cause

Edmonton area youth need a positive, welcoming, one-stop-shop to get all the support they need on their journey to mental health and wellness.

Maybe you are a teen, or you can think back to when you were a teenager, struggling to navigate the complexities of adolescence. Now imagine facing those same challenges while dealing with anxiety, depression, or substance use, without knowing where to turn for help. For many youth this is not just a scenario—it’s their reality. Nearly 18% of Albertans aged 15-24 experience mental health issues or problematic substance use, yet less than 25% of these individuals receive the support they desperately need. Although incredible organizations are delivering wonderful youth supports the scale of the issue is huge -leaving thousands of young people vulnerable, lost in a cycle of confusion, isolation, and worsening symptoms.

Kickstand was launched to bridge these gaps; initially through Kickstand Connect online providing free, virtual mental health services to youth aged 12-25. Over the past year, the platform has seen TREMENDOUS SUCCESS, with thousands of young people accessing confidential counseling, peer support, and mental health resources. Despite these successes, virtual care isn’t enough for everyone. Some youth need in-person support to fully engage in their recovery.

That’s why we’re seeking your support to help to expand Kickstand’s reach with a new physical Integrated Youth Services hub in Edmonton’s West Edmonton Mall!

This space will offer youth a welcoming environment to access FREE comprehensive, in-person care, breaking down the remaining barriers and ensuring that no young person is left without the help they deserve. With over a dozen in-kind service providers already on board, this physical location will bring a range of services under one roof, ensuring that Alberta’s youth have a safe, accessible place to find the help they need—when they need it most.

Together with your support, we can create a brighter future for our youth.

Who Will it Benefit?

In Alberta, 75% of mental illness begins before the age of 24, and without early intervention, these challenges can lead to long-term consequences such as low educational achievement, unemployment, substance use, risk-taking behaviours, involvement with the justice system, poor sexual and reproductive health, self-harm, and inadequate self-care—all of which increase the lifetime risk of morbidity and premature mortality.

The physical opening of a Kickstand clinic in Edmonton will benefit a wide range of young people aged 12-24, particularly those who have historically faced barriers to accessing mental health and addiction services. The clinic’s location in West Edmonton Mall will provide a central, easily accessible environment, allowing youth to seek help without the fear of being judged. This physical space will cater to vulnerable youth, including those who are struggling with anxiety, depression, substance use, and other mental health challenges. Providing a seamless and comprehensive range of health care services, offerings include:
1) mental health and addiction counseling,
2) substance use support,
3) primary care,
4) Indigenous wellness
5) peer support, and
6) social services such as employment counseling, financial literacy, and life skills training.

Families, caregivers, and communities will also benefit from in-person early intervention services that prevent mental illness from escalating. Parents and loved ones can help the young person in their lives get the support they need, while learning to navigate the complexities of caring for someone living with mental illness or addiction.

Kickstand empowers youth to ensure that no young person faces their challenges alone.