Autism Edmonton Travelling Sensory Spaces Program Upgrades

The Cause

The Autism Edmonton Travelling Sensory Spaces Program aims to break down barriers to accessibility at Edmonton’s public events for autistic individuals. These environments—such as concerts, sporting events, and festivals—are often overstimulating and overwhelming for autistic attendees, making it difficult for them to fully participate. Our program provides portable sensory-friendly spaces equipped with calming tools and sensory equipment, allowing individuals of all ages to regulate their sensory experiences in high-stimulation environments.

This initiative builds on the success of our pilot program, where we provided sensory spaces at prominent community events, including the Edmonton Folk Music Festival and Samson Cree First Nation Summer Pow Wow. The positive feedback was overwhelming, with hundreds of individuals benefiting from these spaces, allowing them to enjoy events they would otherwise find inaccessible.

With additional funding, Autism Edmonton plans to maintain and expand this initiative by acquiring more sensory equipment and storage solutions, as well as staffing to supervise the spaces. This would allow us to provide sensory spaces at more community events, ensuring that autistic individuals and their loved ones can fully participate in Edmonton's rich cultural and social life. The expansion of this program will promote autism acceptance, foster social inclusion, and create a more welcoming environment for neurodivergent individuals across the region.

Who Will it Benefit?

This program will directly benefit autistic individuals in Edmonton and the surrounding areas, as well as their families and loved ones. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, approximately 1 in 40 Canadians are autistic, with local studies estimating this number may be closer to 1 in 33. This is a significant portion of the population that often struggles to access public events due to sensory overload and the lack of spaces where they can regulate and de-stress.

The Travelling Sensory Spaces Program will enable thousands of autistic individuals to fully engage in events that celebrate Edmonton’s culture, from large-scale festivals to smaller community gatherings. Families of autistic children will benefit by being able to attend events together, as will teenagers and adults who previously avoided public events due to sensory challenges. The program also has the potential to impact the broader community by fostering inclusion and increasing awareness of the sensory needs of neurodivergent individuals, which leads to more accommodating practices at future events.