Bananas, Burgers & Blessings BBQs for Homeless & Impoverished
The Cause
Our group is called the Hymningbirds Community Service League (known as the Hymningbirds) and is made of caring individuals of all ages and people who residents of both Edmonton and the surrounding areas. Our idea is to host a monthly BBQ called Bananas, Burgers & Blessings in the Butler Memorial Park (15715 Stony Plain Road) on the first Saturday of the month from May to October. We want to not only provide free food, clothing and personal care items for the homeless and impoverished people in Edmonton, but we also want to provide encouragement through uplifting music, prayer (for those who request it) and friendship. We began these special events in 2014 and have had an overwhelmingly positive response from the homeless in the community and from organizations that serve the homeless in the area (Jasper Place Health & Wellness, Fusion Fellowship and Christian Care Centre) as well as individuals in the community who want to be involved. It has become a wonderful collaborative \"pay-it-forward\" project with passersby stopping to ask if they can help and homeless people sharing their musical talents with the musicians. The requested funds will assist with the expenses such as the food, insurance, propane for the barbeque, personal care items (shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, feminine hygiene), etc.
Who Will it Benefit?
We welcome everyone who comes, including homeless people who have walked many miles to get a good meal and a friendly smile, impoverished families who often have to decide whether to feed their family or pay the monthly rent and seniors who are struggling to make ends meet. They come to for the tangible benefits, such as food and clothing, but they also come for the music, the friendship and to have an enjoyable day in the park.