Be Brave Ranch

The Cause

The Be Brave Ranch is a unique, trauma-informed treatment center designed to address the long-term effects of child sexual abuse on mental health and family relationships. Our idea is to continue providing comprehensive, multi-disciplinary therapeutic programs that help children and families heal from the devastating impact of abuse. Through a combination of traditional and holistic therapeutic modalities, we offer children the opportunity to recover in a safe, supportive environment.

At the Be Brave Ranch, our multi-disciplinary approach includes:

- Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) to help children process their trauma.
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), which offers skills for managing emotional distress.
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), a proven technique for reducing PTSD symptoms.
- Indigenous Elder Teachings that incorporate culturally relevant healing practices.
- Animal-Assisted Therapy, providing comfort and emotional support through interactions with therapy animals.
- Somatic Therapeutic Interventions like yoga, mindful movement, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).
- Art Therapy and Expressive Therapies (psychodrama, music therapy) to offer creative outlets for emotional healing.
- Individual Therapy, Family Therapy, and Group Therapy to support both children and their families as they work toward recovery.

Our holistic approach ensures that children receive over 200 hours of trauma-informed therapy throughout the year, creating a lasting impact on their mental health, emotional well-being, and family relationships. By fostering resilience and providing comprehensive care, we aim to transform lives and break the cycle of trauma.

Who Will it Benefit?

The Be Brave Ranch directly benefits children and adolescents, aged 8-17, who have been victims of child sexual abuse, along with their families. Sexual abuse leaves profound scars, both physical and emotional, and these children often face a lifetime of challenges related to their trauma. They are at higher risk of developing mental health disorders like PTSD, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse issues. Without early and sustained intervention, many survivors of child sexual abuse struggle to lead healthy, productive lives.

The Ranch’s programs also provide significant support to the families of survivors. Parents and caregivers often feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to support their children through the trauma of abuse. At the Ranch, family members are engaged in the healing process through Family Therapy, ensuring that the entire family unit is strengthened and equipped to support the child’s recovery.

Additionally, the Ranch creates a ripple effect in the broader community. When a child heals, their capacity for a positive future is restored, which in turn impacts their community, school, and future workplace. By providing children with the skills and resilience to recover from trauma, we empower them to live healthier, more fulfilled lives.

The program not only transforms the lives of the individual child but also strengthens the family unit, reducing the risk of re-traumatization and helping them rebuild trust and stability. Families who complete the program report stronger bonds and an enhanced ability to support one another through life's challenges.