CANNN Bursary Program

The Cause

Across Canada, and in particular, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, there is a shortage of healthcare professionals. This is especially true in remote and isolated communities in the North. The nursing workforce is essential for the operation of health centers and the delivery of health services to residents living in our remote communities.
As a nursing Association our goal to provide impactful incentives to our current and future membership to complete their education in the north and to stay in the north to support our communities. We would like to achieve this goal by offering Bursaries to nursing students and nurses who live and work in the north. Awards are in recognition of outstanding contributions to community health and the nursing profession.
Eligible applicants would be able to apply directly to CANNN through completion of an application form, and a short essay outlining their commitment to contributing to the NWT and/or NU. The funding proposed would allow us to run the Bursary program for five years at $1000 per bursary/year.

CANNN proposes the following bursaries:
Title: Undergraduate/LPN – Northern Nursing Bursary
Criteria: Nurses who reside in the NWT and/or NU and who have elected to complete their studies at Nunavut Arctic College or Aurora College are eligible to receive a $1000 bursary.
Title: Research – Northern Nursing Bursary
Criteria: Nurses who reside and work in the NWT and/or NU who have chosen to further their education in the field of research that will impact northern residents are eligible to receive a $1000 bursary.
Title: Nurse Practitioner – Northern Nursing Bursary
Criteria: Nurses who reside in the NWT and/or NU and who have elected to obtain their designation as a Nurse Practitioner, and intend to remain in the north following graduation, are eligible to receive a $1000 bursary.

Who Will it Benefit?

This initiative benefits many stakeholders.
Public: This initiative aids in retaining and recruiting nurses to live and work in the NWT and/or NU, increasing healthcare services for residents of small and isolated communities; and improving the overall physical and mental health of residents.
Nurses: Nurses are part of our community too. There are significant costs incurred by nurses attending undergraduate and post-secondary studies. This shows nurses that their time and commitment is valued.
CANNN: Bursary recipients will be featured in our quarterly newsletter, and on our social media platform, thereby educating the members and public on the role and impact made by CANNN.