CARE: Counselling Access – Right for Everyone

The Cause

Access to Free Mental Health Services for Immigrants and Newcomers

Based on the model of our Pro Bono Law Clinic, this project will provide much needed free mental health services to immigrants and newcomers in Edmonton, Alberta. The 12-month long program offers one-hour free monthly counselling sessions delivered by a certified counsellor/social worker.

Who Will it Benefit?

Immigrants and Newcomers in Edmonton
Providing access to mental health supports to the immigrant and newcomer communities in Edmonton is important. Providing free mental health supports is vital to some.

We know that financial barriers exist to prevent access to mental health services for some in our newcomer and immigrant communities. COVID has further impacted the mental health of all segments of the Canadian population. However, studies show, due to many working within the service sector, that immigrants were hit particularly hard financially by the pandemic, resulting in increased stress and anxiety levels. Yet the financial impact serves as a barrier for some wishing to access mental health services.