Do Something Magazine

The Cause

To create a tool for teens to share their ideas and grow from their fears. This is a magazine where the writers can share the issues we face growing up in today's fact paced society through articles, poetry and drawings. Our group also hosts free or inexpensive community events for all members of the community to be included in. We want to bring youth together and give them the strength to stand up and be involved! Hosting events in the community is a way for the youth to give back to their community.

Who Will it Benefit?

All members of the community can benefit. The magazine is aimed at youth to help them realize their potential and also help them through any tough issues they are facing. Letting them know they are not alone is the key. Once they realize that they are not the only who faces this particular issue they want to learn more about helping others. This way they become a positive role model for the younger generation.