Dreams Take Flight Calgary
The Cause
Making a difference to 150 special needs children in Southern Alberta!
Dreams Take Flight is a registered national non-profit charity dedicated to providing the trip-of-a-lifetime to medically, mentally, physically, socially or emotionally challenged children. With the aid of our most significant sponsor, Air Canada, as well as other national & local organizations and businesses, money is raised to make the dream a reality in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and Halifax.
Dreams Take Flight Calgary has been taking deserving special needs children from Southern Alberta to Disneyland since 1993. In 2015, our 23rd year, our goal is to take another 150 children to Disneyland for a day. We raise our funding through corporate & private donations, charity golf tournaments and our annual Black Tie & Blue Jeans gala event.
With your support we can bring some magic to some very deserving Southern Alberta children and make their dreams come true!