Hockey Sticks for Kids

The Cause

The Southern Alberta Sports Equipment Bank supports children from low-income households by providing no-cost equipment to help kids get into the game. Our Hockey Stick initiative is actively seeking funding to procure the hockey equipment that kids need to participate in the second most popular sport among our youth. In 2022, we equipped 125 kids with brand-new hockey helmets for hockey and skating in general. Our sights are set on an even bigger goal for this year: we're aiming to procure 300 youth and intermediate hockey sticks, which comes to a total cost of $21,125. This breakdown includes 175 youth sticks priced at $60 each and 125 intermediate sticks at $85 each.

At the Southern Alberta Sport Bank, we firmly believe in the profound impact of investing in children from low-income families. It's not just about handing them a hockey stick or a pair of skates; it's about providing them with the tools they need to break free from the cycle of poverty and build successful futures. Sports, particularly hockey, instill a sense of purpose, discipline, and the ability to set and achieve goals in a team setting—skills that extend far beyond the rink.

Participation in sports isn't just about physical activity; it's a powerful vehicle for personal growth. It equips children with leadership, social-emotional, and teamwork skills, fostering a sense of belonging and community. This is especially crucial for those from low-income backgrounds who may otherwise feel isolated or marginalized. We are convinced that by providing these young individuals with the means to play hockey, we're not only enriching their lives today but also equipping them with the skills and confidence to succeed in various facets of life in the future.

Who Will it Benefit?

The beneficiaries of our Hockey Stick initiative are children and youth aged 6-18, from low-income families who play hockey. Our work encompasses a diverse range of backgrounds, including newcomers, Indigenous families, and families with children with disabilities from all over Southern Alberta. Qualified families within the federal Low Income Cut Off (LICO) guidelines are eligible for registration fee assistance through KidSport and no-cost equipment from the Sport Bank. Families can also be referred to the Sport Bank from other programs like Flames Even Strength, as well as apply for equipment assistance directly through the Sport Bank. In 2023 alone, we've made an impactful difference by distributing 11,782 pieces of equipment to benefit 2,835 children and youth throughout Southern Alberta. Beyond just nurturing their athletic talents, our mission revolves around creating a profound sense of belonging, well-being, and the promise of a brighter future for children growing up in low-income households, all through the power of sports.