Hope Heights Hub

The Cause

We propose creating a Neighbourhood Hub within Hope Heights, a new intergenerational living community in the Crescent Heights community responding to Calgary's urgent housing crisis. Hope Heights will provide safe and affordable homes for youth, young adults with children and seniors at risk of or currently facing homelessness. Its design fosters connections across generations, offering mentorship and mutual support. Hope Heights helps residents build a more stable future by reducing isolation and addressing housing barriers.

The Neighbourhood Hub, as the heart of this community, will be a place where residents can come together, connect, access services, and overcome challenges. It will be a space where everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances, can feel a sense of belonging. Tailored to individuals experiencing homelessness, trauma, and isolation, the hub will provide formal and informal cultural, arts, life skills and educational programs. Residents will gain skills and build essential relationships through workshops and peer-led activities.

Mentorship is a key focus. The intergenerational design allows seniors and mature adults to guide younger residents and their children, helping them address personal struggles and avoid future homelessness. Shared experiences of adversity create empathy and foster stronger community bonds.

Cultural and social engagement will be promoted through activities such as:

Cultural Cooking Nights, where residents share meals and recipes while learning life skills.

Sharing Circles, led by Elders and knowledge keepers, offers space for storytelling and reflection.
Workshops on drumming, teepee teachings, and other Indigenous traditions connect residents to cultural practices.

Youth and Adult Collaboration, with scheduled activities that bridge generational gaps and build relationships, will foster a sense of unity and cohesion within the community.

The Neighbourhood Hub will combat isolation, promote community, and create pathways to housing stability. McMan and our partner on the Hope Heights project, Highbanks Society will help manage the hub’s programming, drawing from our expertise in life-skills training, employment support, mental health services and supports for young parents.

The hub will support Hope Heights residents and serve the wider community, becoming a valuable neighbourhood resource.

Who Will it Benefit?

This project will primarily benefit young adults (ages 18 to 24), their families, and seniors living at Hope Heights. The Neighbourhood Hub will serve as a central resource, offering programming, mentorship, and essential services to create a stronger, more resilient community where these groups can thrive together.

Young Adults at Risk of Homelessness:
Young adults facing housing instability or at risk of homelessness will be one of the primary beneficiaries of this project. Many of these individuals, often transitioning out of care or precarious living situations, lack the financial security, life skills, or emotional support needed to achieve long-term housing stability. Through the hub’s life-skills programming, employment support, and counseling services, these young adults will gain the tools they need to build independent lives. The intergenerational design will provide them with invaluable mentorship opportunities, allowing them to connect with seniors who can offer guidance and support. This mentorship can play a critical role in helping young adults navigate life challenges, build confidence, and prevent pathways to homelessness.

Families of Young Adults:
The families of young adults residing at Hope Heights will also benefit significantly from the project. Many families struggle to support their young adult children as they transition into adulthood, particularly when housing or financial instability is involved. The hub will offer family-focused programming that supports both young parents and their children. Programs such as Cultural Cooking Nights, life-skills training, and parenting support sessions will help families build stronger connections and empower them to work toward stability together. These resources will provide critical support to young parents, allowing them to develop the skills needed to care for their children and maintain stable housing while strengthening family bonds.

Seniors Facing Isolation and Instability:
Seniors living in Hope Heights, especially those facing isolation or housing instability, will also greatly benefit from this project. Many elderly individuals face challenges related to chronic health conditions, financial insecurity, and social isolation. The Neighbourhood Hub will offer them access to community activities, support services, and opportunities for mentorship.