The Cause

The most successful way to beat prostate cancer is to catch it in its early stages, when the disease is most treatable. The problem is that many men do not make regular doctor visits a priority, unaware that a simple PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) blood test can aid in early detection and potentially help save their lives. This lack of awareness and education is the primary reason Calgary’s Prostate Cancer Centre created the MAN VAN, Canada’s only mobile PSA blood testing program. With support from our community partners the MAN VAN has been able to travel to remote rural communities, spreading the word about the importance of early detection and men’s health.

The Prostate Cancer Centre is looking for $2,000 to help fund a public MAN VAN clinic in the City of Calgary. During a typical 3-hour clinic, the MAN VAN tests up to 60 men. A visit usually takes less than ten minutes, there is no appointment necessary and there is seldom a line-up. The friendly staff and volunteers help to create a relaxing atmosphere and the van is equipped with leather seats and a flat screen TV to create an environment where men can relax while taking charge of their health.

Who Will it Benefit?

1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, when caught early it is 95% treatable. In Canada, the state of men’s health is often called the “silent crisis”.

On average men live five years less than women and out of the top 15 causes of death, men lead in 14. Men also are more likely to avoid preventative care, delay treatment, pay less attention to health information and are less likely to have a health care provider. For many, a trip to the MAN VAN is the first step to becoming more proactive about their health and
lifestyle. The “Know Your Numbers” men’s health initiative builds on the success of the MAN VAN by offering waist circumference, blood pressure and random blood glucose measurements. These are often good indicators of a man’s health status and are very closely linked to some of the main health issues facing men, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity.