National Adaptive Snowsports Awareness Day

The Cause

Picture a day when individuals with disabilities can experience the exhilaration of Snowsports, breaking down barriers and fostering inclusivity. We propose a National Adaptive Snowsports Awareness Day, initially trialed in Alberta, as a transformative awareness campaign. This initiative aims to promote adaptive Snowsports, highlight the remarkable capabilities of individuals with disabilities, and inspire similar events nationwide, concluding with a Friends and Family Night event to celebrate participant achievements, share inspirational stories, and foster a sense of community.
The National Adaptive Snowsports Awareness Day in Alberta serves as a pilot project that can change lives, perceptions, and communities. By showcasing the capabilities and talents of individuals with disabilities, we aim to create a ripple effect across Canada, inspiring other provinces to embrace the initiative.
Together, we can break down barriers, empower individuals, and foster inclusivity through the joy of adaptive Snowsports.

Promote Inclusivity - The campaign seeks to encourage participation in adaptive Snowsports by showcasing the equipment, instructors, and accessible facilities available.
Raise Awareness - Through media coverage and community involvement, we aim to educate the public about the joys and benefits of adaptive Snowsports.
Empower Individuals - By highlighting the achievements of adaptive Snowsports enthusiasts, we hope to empower more individuals with disabilities to pursue their passions.
Inspire Nationwide Initiatives - The success of the Alberta trial will serve as a blueprint for other provinces and territories to replicate this initiative.

Project Highlights:
Adaptive Snowsports Demonstrations - Local adaptive sports organizations will provide live demonstrations of skiing, snowboarding, and other Snowsports adapted for individuals with disabilities. These inspiring showcases will be open to the public.
Hands-On Experience - We will offer individuals with disabilities the opportunity to try adaptive Snowsports under the guidance of certified instructors. Adaptive equipment will be provided, ensuring inclusivity.
Community Engagement and Media Coverage - Partnering with local disability organizations, and adaptive sports clubs, we will promote participation and community involvement, amplifying our message, and reaching a broader audience.

Who Will it Benefit?

The National Adaptive Snowsports Awareness Day in Alberta will have a profound impact on various stakeholders and will bring transformative benefits to persons with disabilities, families, communities, organizations, volunteers, and society, fostering inclusivity and positive change.

Individuals with Disabilities will benefit from:
- Physical and mental well-being from experiencing adaptive Snowsports.
- Confidence and a sense of achievement, breaking self-imposed limitations.
- A supportive community and potential new passions.

Families and Caregivers will experience:
- Pride and joy witnessing their loved ones' achievements.
- Increased awareness of adaptive sports, benefiting the entire family.
- An expanded support network through connections with others.

Local Communities will see:
- Increased awareness of disability issues.
- Greater inclusivity to accommodate people with disabilities.

Adaptive Sports Organizations will:
- Gain recognition and attract new participants and volunteers.
- Collaborate with others to strengthen the adaptive sports community.

Volunteers and Instructors will:
- Gain fulfillment and expertise in adaptive sports.
- Build connections within the adaptive sports community.

Media will:
- Raise their profile by supporting inclusivity.
- Drive awareness and change perceptions.

Society as a Whole: The event's ripple effect will create a more compassionate and equal society, recognizing abilities over limitations.