Northern Climate Resiliency Lab

The Cause

Agroforestry and Woodlot Extension Society (AWES) has access to, and exclusive use of, a sizeable greenhouse through the generosity of our supporters. As a society, we have professionals with backgrounds in agrology, forestry, biology, and horticulture, who are capable of utilizing this space for community improvement and education. Although we have access to this space, there are currently no implements (growing trays, irrigation, soil amendments, seed) available. If the funding was granted, we would have the capacity to begin producing over 25,000 seedlings each year. These seedlings will be used to support northern food production, advance climate resiliency, increase ecological restoration, mitigate soil erosion and expand carbon capture.

Who Will it Benefit?

The creation of a plant nursery that provides free seedlings to the community will bring a multitude of benefits, positively impacting a diverse range of individuals and the environment. Here's an imaginative portrayal of the beneficiaries:

Families in Need: With access to free seedlings, families will have improved access to nutritional food. This empowers them to enhance their food security, saving money on groceries and improving their overall nutritional intake.

Youth Empowerment: Young members of the community will have the opportunity to engage in eco-conscious activities by participating in the nursery's operations. This involvement not only imparts essential life skills but also instills a sense of responsibility towards environmental conservation.

Local Farmers: Established farmers will benefit from free seedlings to diversify their crops, improve soil health, and reduce production costs. This contributes to soil and water conservation as diverse crops help prevent soil erosion and enhance water retention, reducing the need for excessive irrigation.

Agroforestry Enthusiasts: The nursery will cater to those interested in agroforestry by providing seedlings of fruit and nut-bearing trees. This promotes sustainable land use, enriching the soil, enhancing carbon sequestration, and offering long-term economic benefits through tree products.

Wildlife: The resurgence of native plants and the creation of biodiverse landscapes will attract local wildlife, including birds, butterflies, and pollinators. The thriving ecosystem will benefit both the environment and enthusiasts interested in wildlife observation and conservation.

Community Bond: The act of growing and nurturing plants together fosters a sense of community. People from various backgrounds will unite for a common cause, strengthening social ties, and promoting collective responsibility for environmental stewardship.

In summary, the creation of this innovative plant nursery not only addresses immediate food security concerns but also champions long-term ecological restoration, agroforestry, and soil and water conservation.