Recovery Day Calgary 2019

The Cause

Thank you for your interest in helping us promote Calgary’s 7th Annual Recovery Day celebrations.

These events are possible with the support of those in recovery from addiction- and those that support recovery- to be able to engage, have our story, our voice, and our passion serve a great purpose, of helping to break the stigma that surrounds this disease.

Our MISSION is to build awareness, challenge societal stigma and celebrate the role recovery plays in improving the lives of individuals, families and communities. We believe that recovery saves lives. We envision a world in which full recovery from addiction is a common and celebrated reality. We want to open up the conversation so that no one will ever experience shame when seeking help.

As we move into our 7th event this year, we are looking to expand the event by promoting it through radio and broadcast advertising. We believe that there is great value in bringing together the 40 community partners, who join us every year, and various speakers, to show that recovery from addiction is possible. We believe this event is the launching ground for bringing Addiction and Recovery out from the shadows and into mainstream consciousness. What we desperately need is an advertising budget to create a campaign and market the hell out of it!

Who Will it Benefit?

This event will benefit those in Calgary and the surrounding areas. It benefits all those in Recovery from Addiction and anyone in crisis who needs a change. Recovery Day Calgary benefits all those who are able to tell their story and speaks for those who are no longer here.