Sports Unites People Training Modules

The Cause

SUP is a newly established not-for-profit organization that actively promotes the values of respect, inclusion, diversity, and equality to young athletes, coaching and administrative staff, and parents through education. The organization services all athletic clubs, associations, vendors, and facilities engaged in facilitating skills development and competition.

SUP is committed to changing the culture of sports and society by shifting the attitudes, language, and behaviors demonstrated by players, parents, and coaching staff. We believe that this shift will spill into the homes, schools, and workplaces of individuals who participate in our program. We believe that participation in SUP training will result in a more inclusive society that demonstrates and increased respect for diversity and supports equality for all Canadians.

SUP’s primary objective is to facilitate the development of cross-cultural competency skills in young athletes. This will be done utilizing a combination of videos, guided conversations, and resource materials. All curriculum will be developed for in-person delivery but will be easily adapted to online group facilitation. Training will not be self-directed. This will ensure that all training participants are fully engaged in the subject material.

Each Training module will include a video featuring well-known athletes who represent diversity. Featured athletes, known as Ambassadors, will respond to a series of questions about diversity, inclusion, respect, and equality from their perspective as members of diverse communities. They will speak about their personal experiences and encourage training participants to reflect on their own beliefs and behaviors.

Who Will it Benefit?

• Sports Unites Programming will be delivered to young athletes between the ages of 8 and 21, coaches, parents, and support staff across the Province of Alberta.
• Sports Unites People will ensure that youth from diverse backgrounds experience a welcoming and inclusive environment when participating in skills development and competition.
• Training participants will develop cross-cultural competencies that will better enable them to live, work, and play within Canada’s multicultural landscape.
• Training Participants will learn to identify and address racist and discriminatory attitudes, language, and behaviors.
• Training participants will learn to role model cross-cultural competencies to their peer group.
• Training participants will learn to think critically and evaluate language through a historical lens.