Stories of Belonging: A Children’s Graphic Novel on Disability Inclusion

The Cause

Help us develop a graphic novel for upper elementary-aged children that supports the inclusion and belonging of kids with disabilities! The story follows the twists and turns of a friendship between two girls, one who has a disability and one who does not. Together they navigate tensions that naturally surface while growing up - bumping up against social norms and reflecting on how they want to show up in the world. Based on recent qualitative research, the novel reflects themes and lessons that emerged in the co-authors’ graduate research projects. Incorporating discussion prompts for educators and parents, the book will support critical reflection and dialogue to promote empathy and inclusion in educational and community settings.

Funding will support development of the graphic novel. The project's first phase will involve the development of a prototype of the novel. We (Paige and Rebecca, the co-authors) will write the story and a professional editor and illustrator will refine the story and add imagery. A local illustrator who identifies as having a disability will be sought as a first choice. The second phase will involve two rounds of testing the prototyped novel with children with disabilities, peers, parents, and educators. Feedback from testing will be incorporated into subsequent drafts to ensure the book resonates with its audience. The final phase involves the us developing a dissemination and promotion plan including: pitching to publishers, exploring self publishing options, approaching libraries about doing readings, and collaborating with educators to incorporate the book into classroom settings.

Meet the Authors
Paige is a sibling, friend, and paid support to people with disabilities. She is also in the final stages of completing her PhD which explored belonging with five adults with intellectual disability. Rebecca is a paid support to people with disabilities and recently completed her Masters which explored experiences of inclusion during recess with kids who have disabilities. Through our personal and research experiences we have been witness to the exclusion and loneliness of people with intellectual disabilities. This has spurred us to action and inspired this project. This is a passion project that we are not paid for. We are applying for multiple community grants to support this work. To date we have created the story arc and characters and are in the process of writing the story.

Who Will it Benefit?

People with disabilities continue to face barriers to their inclusion and belonging, in part due to discriminatory attitudes of peers, underscoring the need for shifts in how society thinks about, talks about, and relates to people with disabilities. Research shows that when people are chronically lonely this affects mental and physical health. We hope this novel will help shift the attitudes, beliefs, and actions of young people, thereby supporting the inclusion and ultimately health and well being of people with disabilities. This book takes an upstream approach by providing a platform for kids to engage in critical reflection and dialogue around how they can support belonging in the lives of peers with disabilities. A graphic novel is a unique approach in that it combines visuals with storytelling to engage children, making complex themes of inclusion and belonging accessible and relatable. The novel will also be a helpful resource for parents and educators wanting to facilitate critical conversations about inclusion and disability.

The photos give a glimpse into our creative process. The first photo shows some initial storyboarding we did when creating the concept. The second photo shows children's stories that explore the themes of inclusion and belonging. We have reviewed multiple picture books and graphic novels for inspiration.