Take Back the Reins

The Cause

Take Back the Reins Workshop:
This workshop is intended for individuals who have left an abusive relationship and are in a place where they are moving forward in their lives and rediscovering who they are. Our intention is to provide Emotional Support and Empowerment at this crucial time in their lives when tough adjustments are being made and the temptation can be high to go back to abusive spouses. These women will be strengthened and built up in an attempt to grow confidence, increase self love and self worth, learn to trust themselves and others, relearn to trust their intuition, discover themselves, & make connections with others who have been in similar situations. In addition, our goal will also be to provide them with strategies around dealing with Stress & Anxiety, as well as looking at Healthy Relationships, Boundaries, and Self Care. The end result is intended to give these women a feeling of power and control and allow them to Take Back The Reins in their lives!

Our time together will be spent doing some learning and having heartfelt discussions, then taking this information out to the herd where group members will connect with a horse partner. Jules will then facilitate an activity for participants to engage in with their horse partner that will help demonstrate and then internalize the previous learning. An important aspect of how horses help us, is that they accept us unconditionally, as we are. This is something that is very crucial to women who have been in an abusive relationship. Time spent with their horse partner will be beneficial on so many levels.

Equine Facilitated wellness is a unique way to embark on this journey:
Horses have shown us they have an amazing ability to act as partners, teachers, and as healers. Living in the present, with no hidden agenda, no judgments or preconceived notions and having to communicate solely in a non verbal manner, they are wonderful beings to partner with in hopes of finding healing and growing on an emotional level. Horses have shown to be able to assist people with anxiety, depression, grief and loss struggles, trust issues and various other social/emotional challenges many of us are faced with in our lifetime. Through them, we can learn numerous things including how to communicate more effectively, increase leadership abilities, and to problem solve more effectively.

Who Will it Benefit?

Take Back the Reins will benefit women in the Airdrie area who have experienced domestic violence and abuse. These women will receive trained equine therapy to work through the trauma and pain of their experience, and find healing, self compassion, and peace.