Manifesting Positive Change

The Cause

I would like to build a shelter over the sweatlodge to help keep it from freezing up in the cold days, also put a stove inside to keep everyone warm. My brother Hal is accepting of all who request to partake in our ceremonial sweat. Many come for various reasons, some are requesting healing or ask for strength for mental health issues, some are grieving and some just want to feel the positive energy while being streamed. We would all to benefit but during the cold days we are unable to help. If we had a shack or shelter to cover the sweat and a woodburning stove to help warm everyone we can do sweats all year round.

Who Will it Benefit?

People have come from everywhere and no one is turned away. Shelters and addiction treatment centres have send their clientele to attend. Also Calgary school boards have come including catholic and public. I have witnessed so much healing and good positive energy from those that attend..