Pre-Detox Program

The Cause

We will provide a “pre-detox” program with workshops for people who are still using substances and have mental health issues with the goal to motivate them to enter a treatment facility. This type of program is missing from our community.

There are five stages of addiction recovery:

1. Precontemplation stage
2. Contemplation stage
3. Preparation stage
4. Action stage
5. Maintenance stage

To enter a recovery program people must be at stage four. Our program will take them from stage one to stage three. We will meet this goal by providing workshops, counselling & medical support by non-judgmental, stigma free relationship building, to deal with the trauma these individuals have experienced.

(These workshops have been designed by one of our team, who has successfully conquered addiction and homelessness)

Mind set needed to enter a treatment facility
The role past trauma has played in your life
Recovering from trauma
Connection to addiction treatment and medical resources
How to reunite with family members
Family violence prevention
How to develop high self-esteem
How to eat healthy as possible on a next to nothing income
How to cope with everyday stressors
Cognitive behavioral techniques for everyday practice
Do it yourself self care
The role of counselling in recovery
Tips for when you're sober to be sober
Relapse can happen, don't beat yourself down. Ways to get back on track
Saying no is healthy. Ready set go lets say no!
Boundaries/goal setting. Setting them right
Emotional regulation
It only takes 10 mindful minutes
HIV/STD/HEP C information, care, treating
Change those habits
One day at a time
Medications to support recovery
Being okay with your past…. and your addiction
Know your limits - how to evaluate what you can and can't do
How to be a support for others
How to land that job, and keep it


Blackfoot elder/counsellor (Our Elder is Bryan Yellowhorn whose picture is attached)
Psychiatric nurse
Licensed practical nurse
Addictions counsellors
Mental health/trauma counsellors
Accounting and admin


• development and operation of medical outreach clinics specializing in addictions
• manager of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (past)
• development and delivery of addiction counselling programs
• Blackfoot culture and wellness programs for residential school abuse survivors
• accounting, project design and management
• justice support for people during court hearings

Who Will it Benefit?

- our partnership with the Lethbridge John Howard Society and Kindness to Others Society will benefit from being able to help people from each organization
- at risk individuals who will develop the skills, tools and motivation to become sober and ready for referral into addictions treatment
- families who can be united and reunited
- participants connected with resources to support their treatment, including mental, physical health and trauma counselling
- participants who are referred to Alberta Health Services for outreach medical support including medications for alcohol and opioid use disorders and HIV/STD/Hep C medical treatments
- the southern Alberta community will benefit in that they will see people who are at risk have a plan to enter addiction treatment