Western Canada Rose Bud Program

The Cause

The Rose of Tralee Western Canada Rose Centre would like to develop a Rose Bud Program that aims at inspiring young girls aged 7-12 to excel at their achievements and give back to their communities by pairing them with established female role models during an event that acknowledges and celebrates the achievements of those role models. The Rose Bud program will be open to anyone who identifies as female, regardless of race, religion, creed, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation.

The Rose of Tralee Western Canada Rose Centre is a cultural, women-focused, non-profit organization that aims to formally acknowledge women of Irish heritage for their contributions to their community. Applicants to the Rose of Tralee Western Canada Rose Centre are called Roses. Roses are women who excel in their careers and give back generously to their communities. They are high achievers, consistently setting standards of excellence for themselves and others. Often, these women have faced significant challenges and have overcome them through hard work and perseverance. They are excellent role models for young girls for their work ethic and willingness to volunteer and give back to their community.

The initiative will partner Rose Buds with a Rose, and they will meet in person during the weekend of the Western Canada Rose of Tralee Selection Night & Fundraiser. They will first meet their Rose prior to the Selection Night and participate in an activity together, allowing them time to connect and get to know each other. The Rose Bud will then accompany the Rose to the Selection Night. During the event, the Rose Bud will witness first-hand women being acknowledged for their achievements. All Roses share their personal stories and community involvement, so each Rose Bud will be able to hear and be inspired not only by how their mentor has been involved in bettering their community but also by the mentors of the other Rose Buds.

A similar Rose Bud program is already in place in Ontario at the Ottawa Rose of Tralee Centre. We would like to establish the program in Western Canada.

Who Will it Benefit?

Several groups will benefit from the Rose Bud initiative.
a) The Rose Buds will benefit from being paired with women who are established role models. They will be able to connect one-on-one with women who have overcome life’s challenges and can inspire them to believe in themselves and that they can achieve their dreams. They will also benefit by learning the importance of giving back to their communities.
b) The Roses the Rose Buds are paired with will benefit from having the incredible opportunity to be given the chance to influence young minds. By taking part in activities together and getting to know the Rose Buds, the Roses will be impacted through the connections they make.
c) The Northern Alberta community will also benefit as the Rose Buds will take their experiences back to their local community. While the program will be open to girls from any location, we anticipate most girls will be from Northern Alberta since the Selection Night will be held in Edmonton, Alberta. As the Rose Buds share their experiences with their friends, they may inspire other girls to participate in the following years. As they are inspired by the Roses they are paired with, they may choose to begin volunteering themselves, benefiting the Northern Alberta community.