Young Women & At-Risk Youth Entrepreneurial Program

The Cause

Empowering Young Women and At-Risk Youth: Join The Artisan Square's Entrepreneur Program! Located at 1-118 Millennium Drive, Fort McMurray is seeking a $30,000 Grant to Fund the Program!

The Artisan Square is thrilled to introduce our Entrepreneur Program, designed specifically to empower and mentor aspiring entrepreneurs. With your support, we aim to secure a $30,000 grant that will help fund this transformative program.

The Artisan Square's Entrepreneur Program: Unlock The Potential!

Business Basics: Our program will provide a comprehensive curriculum that covers the fundamental concepts of business and how a business operates. From understanding finances to marketing strategies, participants will gain the knowledge needed to kickstart their entrepreneurial journey.

Mentorship and Guidance: We believe in the power of mentorship. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from experienced entrepreneurs and industry professionals who will guide them through the program. This personalized support will help them navigate challenges and make informed decisions.

Hands-On Learning: Our program emphasizes experiential learning. Participants will engage in various programs and courses that foster socialization, structured and unstructured learning, and hands-on experience. They will have the chance to create items to sell, learn about marketing to the public, and gain practical skills that are essential for running a successful business.

Empowering Community: The Artisan Square's Entrepreneur Program is committed to creating a supportive and inclusive community. Participants will have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, build valuable networks, and gain inspiration from their peers. We believe that collaboration and community are key ingredients for success.

Your Support Matters: We are seeking a $30,000 grant to help fund this life-changing program. With your generous contribution, we can provide resources, materials, mentorship, and opportunities for young women and at-risk youth to thrive as future business owners. Together, we can make a lasting impact on their lives and the community as a whole.

Join us in empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs! Your support will help us provide the necessary tools and guidance to young women and at-risk youth, enabling them to turn their dreams into reality.

Who Will it Benefit?

At-risk youth refers to individuals who face various challenges such as poverty, homelessness, involvement in the justice system, or lack of access to education and resources. Young girls who aspire to be entrepreneurs are individuals with a passion for business and a desire to start their own ventures.

The business mentorship program at The Artisan Square will benefit these groups in Northern Alberta by providing them with valuable support, guidance, and resources that may be lacking in their secluded environment. The program will offer mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs and industry professionals who can share their knowledge and expertise. This mentorship will help participants navigate the unique challenges they may face in their specific region and provide them with insights on how to overcome obstacles and succeed in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

Additionally, the program will offer courses and hands-on learning opportunities that will equip participants with practical skills and knowledge about business operations, marketing, and finance. This will empower them to develop and implement effective business strategies tailored to their local market.

By providing mentorship and resources to at-risk youth and young girls in Northern Alberta, The Artisan Square's program aims to break barriers, foster entrepreneurship, and create opportunities for economic growth and empowerment within these communities.