Alberta’s Wildlife in Need

On behalf of the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation (AIWC), I would like to sincerely thank you for your generous contribution of $3,000.00 to our organization.

We originally applied for funds to help support food and medical supply purchases for the animals in care at our facility, and that was exactly what we spend the money on! From mealworms to feeder mice to romaine lettuce to eggs, the funding provided helped feed over 30 animals admitted to our hospital in 2024, as well as getting us prepared for the busy summer months ahead. Some of the animals this funding helped provide much needed nutrition to include four great horned owls, an American kestrel, a mallard duck, two bohemian waxwings, a muskrat, and an orphaned black bear cub!

One particular patient to highlight is great horned owl patient 23-1592. She was rescued and brought into the hospital in early October after being found caught in a barbed wire fence. She had many small wounds and punctures from the wire, which were treated and sutured by our veterinarian, and needed to stay at AIWC for months while her injuries healed so that she didn’t tear her stitches. A great horned owl in care eats an average 4-5 mice per day, which works out to about $8 a day just for food. This owl was with us for 79 days before she was finally released to the wild, and the funds from Field Law’s Community Fund Program made a huge difference as we got her healed up and on her way.

Thank you for all you do for Alberta’s wildlife in need. We are so grateful for your support!