Caring Dads for Healthy Safe Kids

On behalf of the fathers who participated in our Caring Dads pilot group, we want to thank Field Law. The Field Law Community Fund Program helped launch Caring Dads, a counselling program designed on the premise that violence against women and violence against children are intricately intertwined and should be addressed together.  

The Caring Dads pilot program supported 12 men in making healthier choices for the benefit of their children and partner. The overall experience was successful as the men learned to recognize the onset of anger and developed the skills to calm themselves before perpetrating acts of violence. Thanks to the pilot program, 38 children in our community are now safer in their homes.  

“This group changed my life and helped me save my family.  I would recommend this group to many dads.”
Program participant

With the success of the pilot program, the Caring Dads program is now a regular program within our Men’s Counselling Service. If you would like more information or feel you could benefit from Caring Dads, please visit