Kickstand Connect – Virtual Mental Health Clinic for Youth

The Mental Health Foundation is incredibly grateful for the support given by Field Law’s Community Fund in expanding Alberta’s first virtual integrated youth services clinic -Kickstand Connect. Kickstand Connect is a free virtual walk-in clinic for Albertans aged 12 to 25 to access free mental health and substance use services. Through Kickstand, young people can rapidly access preventative, intervention, and crisis support without having to navigate the complex health care system. Kickstand currently offers mental health and substance counselling, peer support, and employment services in addition to a number of workshops and group sessions designed to increase knowledge and awareness and promote health and wellness.

Mental health challenges do not take a day off. Living with mental illness and addictions can feel impossibly heavy. Mental health and addiction issues affect 1 in 5 youth, but less than 25% receive support. People we know and love, our children, friends, neighbours, and colleagues are struggling every single day. Thankfully, your gift to Kickstand is helping to improve access to mental health and wellness services for our young people. There are many examples of youth gaining the skills and confidence to find and secure gainful employment, register for post secondary school, feel seen and supported by others who share their trauma history, and get support with a diverse severity of mental health concerns. One story (we’ll use the name Jaylen to protect the individual’s identity), an 18-year-old young man who recently completed a residential treatment program but was struggling and resumed his substance use. Jaylen wanted rapid support to get back on track, and find recovery. With help from his father to make an appointment with Kickstand Connect he was seen the same afternoon. He and his family found it easy to find and access support through Kickstand and Jaylen was able to attended several same-day sessions. The resources met his needs and continue to help him as he works through strategies to maintain his recovery. Each day people like Jaylen are getting support and moving up and down the ladder of care as they walk along their path to build resilience and find wellness.

Support of Kickstand Connect has helped youth aged 11-30 (average age of  21.3 years) from across Alberta (predominantly Edmonton 45%) access free, convenient, and youth focused 1:1 mental health and substance use counselling, peer support groups, and employment services. Your investment allowed us to increase operating hours and expand clinic services by 25%. This expansion helped us facilitate over 500 free appointments for young people. Thank you, Field Law, for creating lasting change for Alberta’s young people!