Making Home in Yellowknife

Home Base would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Field Law Community Fund Program for making our recent initiative a success. Ten youth who live in the Home Base Dorms were able to express their individuality and creativity by decorating their room according to their own preferences. It allowed them to transform their living spaces into personalized sanctuaries, fostering a sense of security and belonging. For many of the youth it was the first time that they’d been able to do something like this so it was special to be part of.

The initiative facilitated positive interactions among the youth and staff members as well as opportunities to practice life skills like budgeting and time management. Many small tasks were accomplished throughout the process which really gave the youth a confidence boost. Everyone who was involved either learned something about themselves or learned something new about the youth we work with. The biggest surprise was how much the youth knew about lighting!

Thank you, Field Law!