Project Halo

Thank you to the Field Law Community Fund Program for helping us with our Project; we have had a fantastic response to the Dogs, and the requests are coming in regularly. We have dogs/handlers joining us, and the funding we received helps us ensure they can participate in this Project.

We all know that Mental Health is at an all-time high in every facet of life, and we get to assist and hopefully are effective if, even briefly, the dogs are so welcome wherever we can take them.
The dogs have attended funerals, joined Police Services for some comfort after losing two members, and attended court and other calls.

We ensure they also attend ‘fun’ events in the communities and are usually the most popular wherever they go! We have locally sourced the items we supply with each team that joins The Halo Project to have extra tools to help whoever needs them. We are learning how much Halo dogs are needed, and it is helping to bring our communities together.