Territorial Survivors’ Retreat

The NWT Breast Health/Breast Cancer Action Group is very grateful for the Field Law Community Fund Program’s financial support for our Territorial Survivors’ Retreat. The Retreat strengthened connections and mutual support among women experiencing any type of cancer, empowered them to support others dealing with the same disease, and reduced cancer survivors’ isolation, particularly those from the most remote communities. Nineteen women from eleven NWT communities came together in Yellowknife for two and a half days of sharing, healing, laughter and Traditional Medicine workshops. We also held practical sessions on eating for cancer recovery, safe household products, exercise and meditation.

At the end of the Retreat, participants said they felt refreshed, positive, stronger, and less alone. They also felt more connected and more able to share their feelings and take time for themselves.

Participants are excited to share the skills they learned at the Retreat with other cancer survivors in their community, and several are interested in organizing a survivors’ retreat in their region. This means the Retreat’s positive impacts will continue and be paid forward throughout the community.   

Here’s what some of the attendees had to say:

“I feel more positive, more supported, and encouraged. I now know that it is okay to say ‘This year is about me.’”

“The Retreat made me realize I can open up to anyone, I can share feelings, and I can do things for me.”

“This experience gave me hope by connecting me with others. The sugar scrub and exercise bands really help me feel great, as these are things I can do for myself.”

“Yes, it helped me when I was going through a tough time. Now I feel like a new woman.”