Field Law is pleased to announce the Award winners of the 2018 Field Law Community Fund Program. See below to find out which Ideas were selected to receive funding in 2018. Congratulations to all.

Expansion and Enhancement of the UAH Pet Healing Program
The University of Alberta Hospital (UAH) campus is one of Canada’s largest hospital networks. Comprising the Walter Mackenzie Health Science Centre, the Mazankowski Heart Institute, the Stollery Children’s Hospital, and the Kaye Edmonton Clinic, the UAH services a region as...

Fight Summer Hunger and Feed Families in Edmonton
Edmonton's Food Bank does its best to make sure families and children have an adequate supply of nutritious food. Summer can be a difficult time for those who struggle with food insecurity, especially for children who don't have access to...

Bissell Centre Community Kitchen
Bissell Centre serves over 5,000 people who are living in poverty or experiencing homelessness in Edmonton every year. Food is such a fundamental part of human existence, yet many of our clients struggle to afford or cook their own food....

Minds in Motion – A program for People Living with Dementia and their Care Partner
Minds in Motion® is a community-based social program that includes physical and mental stimulation for people with early to mid-stage Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia and their care partners. The program has two key components: • 45 to...

Learning through the Lens
A youth photography club will provide an opportunity for northern youth to pursue their creative passions, build community networks and learn technological and STEM skills from mentors and professionals. By learning photography basics - such as editing, photo storytelling, photo...

School Gardening in the NWT
The Food First Foundation is a registered charity whose mission is to support nutrition education programs in schools with the goal of encouraging a healthy population of children and youth for future generations. Food First is seeking funding to support...

Délįnę Summer Camp Program
An isolated community with a small population, Délįnę is situated on the shores of beautiful Great Bear Lake in the Northwest Territories. Unfortunately, the cultural genocide which resulted from the residential school era has negatively worked against the promotion of...

Samaritan Bundle Bee Program for New Borns
We are seeking funds through Field Law to assist us in supporting the increasing number of needy Calgarian mothers that come to us as a last resort through a social worker or health care professional. The funds are for our...

Brenda Strafford Society Community Room Improvements
The Brenda Strafford Society for Prevention of Domestic Violence is more than just a shelter for women and children who have experienced family violence. Since 1996, we have provided our clients with resources such as counsellors, child care and support...

SWB Summer Soccer Camp for Underserved Kids
Imagine a Community that lives more like Family.....where neighbours know and trust each other and pool their resources of skills and talents to strengthen their community at large. Soccer Without Boundaries (SWB) has been volunteering in Glenbrook's low income housing...

The Mustard Seed – SEEDschool
In 2017, The Mustard Seed partnered with Campus Calgary Open Minds to initiate a pilot program for SEEDschool – a week-long experiential learning program allowing children grades three and up to immerse themselves into the issues of poverty and homelessness....

DiscoverE After School and Lunch Clubs Bursaries
Our mission is to have children and youth recognize the value and importance of engineering, science and technology in today’s world and consider the pursuit of related fields a fun, interesting and rewarding option for their future. DiscoverE was founded...

Training for Community Volunteers Teaching English to Newcomers
Since 2003, CCI-LEX has been supporting newcomers and building community connections with its English language programs and emphasis on cultural exchange. At the time of the Syrian refugee crisis, CCI-LEX was an active participant in meetings with the Syrian Stakeholder...

Pet Assist – Helping pets, and their seniors, stay together
Last year, Calgary Seniors helped over 3,000 lonely, less fortunate seniors who had no one else to help, and had nowhere else to turn. The seniors we work with are some of our communities’ most vulnerable. They are struggling to...