Field Law is pleased to announce the Award winners of the 2023 Field Law Community Fund Program. See below to find out which Ideas were selected to receive funding in 2023. Congratulations to all.

Camp Ciara for Grieving Families
The BriarPatch Family Life Education Centre provides education, support, resources and compassion for all of life’s experiences, from birth to death. Currently, the two largest programs are our award-winning Community Preschool and the Counselling division, which provides support to anyone...

Autism Edmonton Travelling Sensory Spaces Program
When our community comes together for events and activities, big and small, most of us fail to think about the difficulties that the autistic community faces in participating in these environments. Sporting events, concerts, and festivals are the heart of...

Dignity Delivered in Small Boxes
A major emphasis of the support the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul provides to our client-friends relates to promoting their dignity and giving them the capacity to help themselves. While we do provide some emergency food items to our...

Stepping Stones to Hope – The Campaign for a New Enhanced Shelter
Stepping Stones Crisis Society has one vision and that is "Prevention of family violence through public awareness, outreach and supports". This emergency women's shelter has been in operation for over 40 years in Cold Lake and offers their desperately needed...

Pet Support Program for Vulnerable Communities
The idea presented here is to establish a program that enables the vulnerable, marginalized, low income families in our community many with mental health issues, including people on Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH), people with disabilities, people on...
Share and Care Intergenerationally
Linking Generations (LG) is a charitable organization whose purpose is to bring two different generations together so they can share their knowledge and life experiences and to encourage volunteering and social responsibility in youth. VISION STATEMENT: Where seniors and youth...