Field Law is pleased to announce the Award winners of the 2013 Field Law Community Fund Program. See below to find out which Ideas were selected to receive funding in 2013. Congratulations to all.

“Hood Rush” Sledge Hockey Program
Robin Hood Association is a non-profit, registered, charitable organization committed to assisting individuals with disabilities to achieve their personal best and experience a quality lifestyle. We serve 290 individuals with developmental disabilities in our Adult Services program, many of whom...

After School and Weekend Program for at Risk Aboriginal Girls
The Goal is to introduce an educational footprint for Aboriginal girls in Calgary and area that incorporates a preventative model of life skills and literacy that builds resiliency among the girls against exposure of destructive behaviours. Please see: Stardale...

Lifelong Learning at the Women’s Centre
The Women’s Centre offers women opportunities to both receive and provide support, connect with others and build community through a variety of programs. Our Lifelong Learning program aims to help women who face significant barriers to traditional education (e.g. poverty,...

Sod for Soccer Pitch-Sod for Activities Healthier Lifestyle
Our idea is to PUT SOD on a soccer pitch (120 yards x 80 yards) that we are just starting to create by the youth centre in Fort Resolution, Northwest Territories. It looks like this would be a two year...

The Crossroads Singers
I’m part of a choir called the Crossroad Singers, made up of cancer survivors, caregivers and supporters. We were part of the Arts in Medicine Program at the Cross Cancer Institute here in Edmonton for the past 12 years. Very recently, the Cross advised...

Frogskinu’s Swamp Secrets Revealed Workshop
Our idea is to take our very successful in school program, Swamp Secrets Revealed, and redevelop it to work as a standalone workshop for youth. Growing Up With Money Smarts – everyone talks about the absolute need for youth to...

Outreach Concerts by Edmonton Downtown Men’s Choir
In October 2012, in partnership with the Edmonton Public Library, Eva Bostrand started a choir for men who access the services of the downtown library (e.g. social services, support, comfort, and warmth). After each rehearsal the men are given a...

Gifted Creative Expression Art Shop 2013 – 2014
The purpose is to create a collaborative visual presentation based on Aboriginal Elders Traditional Knowledge and artistic gifts of creative visual expression by Aboriginal youth. The theme of the Project is to incorporate natural impressions of the land with cultural...

Yellowknife Beavers, Cubs and Scouts – Facility Upgrade
Our Yellowknife groups currently have their weekly meetings in rented spaces in the city. Although we have a building that was donated to the groups on the Folk on the Rocks site, it is in need of serious repair for...

Elder Abuse and Compulsive Hoarding Support Groups for Seniors
Sage (Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton) provides a number of social service programs for the most vulnerable and at-risk seniors in Edmonton. This Full House is a program that supports seniors with severe hoarding behaviour. The Sage Safe House provides...

Grow Calgary
Grow Calgary is a community-based initiative designed to grow and provide fresh, local produce to local low-income individuals and families to supplement Calgary Interfaith Food Banks’ food hamper program. The urban farm is located on an 8-acre parcel of leased...

Kokopelli Newcomers’ Bursary
Many young people coming to our city from different countries are in need of strong community bonds and positive peer support.<!--more--> The Kokopelli Choir Association, which is a world-renowned community-based non-profit choir family, can be incredibly meaningful in establishing and...

Citizen Action Hall
The Citizen Action Hall in the Humanities Building at the University of Alberta nestled right in the hub of academia. The hallways buzz with students chatting and studying. The Citizen Action Hall itself looks like any other classroom but what...

Aurora Fiddle Society – Performance Training
The Aurora Fiddle Society is a non-profit organization with the mandate to promote fiddling in and around Yellowknife.<!--more--> We do this by hosting jams, workshops and, whenever possible, performing in the community. Money from the Field Law Community fund will...

The primary aim of YEGzema is to provide support to all Edmontonians that suffer from eczema. Eczema is a skin condition that causes extremely itchy, red, dry, and flaky skin and can lead to bleeding. The most common type of...