Field Law is pleased to announce the Award winners of the 2014 Field Law Community Fund Program. See below to find out which Ideas were selected to receive funding in 2014. Congratulations to all.

Stampede for All
The Calgary Stampede is an exciting time of year that brings the best of our city to citizens, visitors and the communities we live in. It’s a time where people loosen their collars, dust off their belt buckles boots and...

Lutsel K’e Community Gardens
To expand and diversify the Lutsel K’e Community Garden to more sites in the community. The Lutsel K’e Community Garden is a community volunteer based project. It is a collective and collaborative project and involves all community members since 2008....

Defy Depression
The problem of depression is far bigger than most people can even imagine. It is insidious and impacts every aspect of one’s life no matter what gender, culture, or status one may be. Three million Canadians will experience depression at some...

Aboriginal Fathers Love Their Children Too! Documentary and Right and Resource Booklet
The intent of “Aboriginal Fathers Love Their Children Too!” is to develop a Rights for Fathers and Resource booklet and documentary for Aboriginal fathers and grandfathers who are involved in the child welfare, criminal justice and corrections systems to identify...

Abbotsfield Music Program
The Abbottsfield neighbourhood of Edmonton is an economically-depressed area. There is much in the area to lure an unhappy and searching youth into a life of crime and addiction, and little to attract him or her into a life of...

Aurora Arts Society’s Visual Arts Gallery – The Gallery on 47th Street
In January, 2014, the Aurora Arts Society took over the management of The Gallery on 47th Street in downtown Yellowknife as the owners no longer had time to commit to its operation. The AAS intends to build on the Gallery’s...

Foxy Peer Leader Retreat!
FOXY (Fostering Open eXpression among Youth; is a youth-driven arts-based sexual health and peer leadership program for young women from across the Northwest Territories. After a successful pilot of our Peer Leadership Retreat last summer, we are planning a second...

The Saturday Children’s Learning Program
The Developmental Disabilities Resource Centre (DDRC) is seeking this grant to launch the Saturday Children’s Learning Program with the objective of helping youth with autism, Down Syndrome and other developmental disabilities improve their day-to-day lives. The Field Law Community Fund...

GLOW (Girls Leading Others Wisely) Looking Good, Feeling Great
GLOW GIRLS is a program that can enrich girls ages 8 – 14 with the self-confidence to step out and be their authentic self without being self-absorbed. GLOW provides powerful programs by engaging girls in discussions about pre-teen/teen topics such...

Weledeh Catholic School Community Playground Project
Good quality school playground equipment and an open, safe active play space is essential in promoting safe play and encouraging greater physical. The value of the playground is clear to see in terms of both physical activity and social interaction....

Music Without Boundaries
Music is universal. Everyone is affected by its power, and everyone deserves the opportunity to be involved in its creation. The objective of this project is collaboration between adults with developmental disabilities and professional musicians from the Edmonton region. Individuals...